We don’t always know the challenges our friends or neighbours are facing. Find out more about Natasha’s struggles.

Natasha lost her job six months ago, when her employer was forced to downsize due to the change in economy. It is difficult for her to find new job prospects since she was trained in a very specialized field. For the last couple of months she has started applying for entry level jobs; however, she does not get any interviews since many employers assume she is overqualified. This is the first time that Natasha has had to worry about finances, and as her savings decrease, she is getting more and more worried about her family’s future.

Natasha’s partner moved out of the house right after the layoff. Her friends have stopped calling her because she has pulled away from them out of shame. The kids are now being bullied at school, and the school principal has called her a few times with concerns about her children’s behaviour in class. 

She is feeling desperate about her finances and is not sure how she will cover all the bills next month.  After five years of playing hockey, she could not afford to register her son this year. She doesn’t want to talk to the other hockey moms or her best friend Jen for fear of being judged. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do.

  • Do you know anyone like Natasha?
  • As a community, how could we help her feel supported, safe and connected?


* Natasha is a fictional character. Her circumstances and scenario are informed by the support services accessed by residents in the County right now. 

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Last updated: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Page ID: 49373