We don’t always know the challenges our friends or neighbours are facing. Find out more about Susan’s struggles.

Susan runs a family day home. Parents of the day home have been asking about the bruise on her cheek. She has explained it as rough-housing with the kids. It was really from her husband three days ago. She is very reluctant to get help. If she tells someone what’s happening, she is afraid that people will judge her and that parents might take their children out of her care.

Her day home has been the only job that she has been able to pursue. Her husband is jealous and doesn’t want her working out of the home. 

Susan’s husband controls the finances and she has limited opportunity to save any money of her own. She is isolated from her family. When she has tried to talk to her family in the past, they tell her to leave her husband. She feels judged and unsupported by them.

Recently, Susan’s oldest son hit his little sister hard enough to leave a bruise. When she asked why he hit his sister he responded, “Dad gives you bruises,” like it was a normal behaviour. Susan remembers a time when things were different and her husband was not violent.

Her husband is well known for his real estate sales in the community and has been nominated several times for local awards. Because her husband is so well known and respected, she fears no one will believe her. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do.

  • Do you know anyone like Susan?
  • As a community, how could we make help them feel supported, safe and connected?


* Susan is a fictional character. Her circumstances and scenario are informed by the support services accessed by residents in the County right now. 

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Last updated: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Page ID: 49375