This engagement was about creating space for honest conversations to discuss how we can best support each other, at all levels of community. Remarkably, nearly 10% of eligible residents over the age of 11 provided input to Community Talk from October 18 - December 31, 2016. This participation level is unparalleled in Strathcona County's history of public consultation. 

These important conversations took place with the support of:

  • 220 local businesses
  • 33 community agencies
  • 25 faith communities
  • 102 school classrooms
  • 10 community hall associations
  • 7 service clubs
Did you know?
  • 7,815 people shared their thoughts and opinions by responding to the survey
  • 622 people participated in 48 community conversations in both urban and rural areas
  • Close to 50 community events incorporated Community Talk into their celebrations and programs 

 What we heard

The purpose of the engagement was to broadly test six goals and their relevance today. The full report is available below: 

 The survey sought to determine if, as a community, people in Strathcona County:

  1. Feel like they belong and are connected to others.
  2. Feel safe and are free from physical and emotional harm.
  3. Are valued, respected and treated fairly.
  4. Are healthy (physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellness).
  5. Work together to make our community stronger.
  6. Have all their basic needs met (eg: adequate income, education, childcare, housing and transportation).


  • 9 out of 10 respondents agreed it is important to achieve all of the first five goals.
  • 7 out of 10 respondents agreed Strathcona County has reached these goals.

When asked about meeting basic needs (goal six):

  •  93% of respondents felt that meeting all basic needs are important to achieve as a community.
    • As part of meeting basic needs:
      • 40% of adult respondents agreed the community has reached the goals of attaining quality and affordable childcare and affordable housing
      • 83% of adult respondents agreed the community has met the goal of quality education
      • 73% of adult respondents agreed the community has met the goal of adequate income
      • 69% of adult respondents agreed the community has met the goal of reliable transportation 

The survey also asked respondents how the County can improve on any of the six stated goals. Analysis of the open-ended responses produced the following top eight themes:

  1. Affordability (housing, childcare, transportation, recreation, income)
  2. Need to work together for common goals
  3. Feeling of safety
  4. Fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance
  5. Improvements to the transit system (routes and frequency)
  6. More community events: neighbourhoods and County-wide
  7. Increase in mental health awareness and services
  8. Better access to programs and services

Similarly, four themes emerged from the second open-ended question asking ‘what can you do to help build a stronger community?’

  1. Citizenship
    • Volunteerism
    • Community involvement
    • Help one another (empathy)
    • Work with each other to reach common goals (collaboration)
    • Neighbourliness
  2. Respect others and accept differences (inclusion, diversity, equity)
  3. Community awareness
  4. Voice important issues (advocacy)

that were provided in the survey and the notes taken during community conversations..

Can you relate? 

WATCH a 3-minute video about issues friends and family are facing right now in Strathcona County. Find out more about Amir, Susan, Jack and Natasha’s story.

For more information:

Phone: 780-464-4044

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Last updated: Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Page ID: 49679