- What is a Municipal Development Plan (MDP)?
- I am happy with how our community is today. Why do we need a new plan?
- How do County projects such as the Imagine Bremner or Imagine Colchester Growth Management Strategies relate to this project?
- What will the new MDP address?
- What do you mean by land use?
- The land use concept for my land differs from what I am currently using it for – Do I have to change my land use?
1. What is a Municipal Development Plan (MDP)?
The MDP is the County’s plan for the future. It sets out a clear vision for how Strathcona will grow and develop over the next 20 years and beyond. The MDP provides a comprehensive long-term land use policy framework within which present and projected growth and development may take place. It also guides Council decisions on key issues like conservation of the natural environment and investment in infrastructure and services.
2. I am happy with how our community is today. Why do we need a new plan?
Strathcona County is growing, fast - we’ve added over 10,000 people since our MDP was last updated in 2007. With that growth comes prosperity, but we also have to protect what people love about the County. We need to ensure the development of urban and rural communities is sustainable and provides a high quality of life for current and future residents.
The new MDP will be updated to reflect recent studies, key trends and emerging best practices. It will also be re-organized to make it more accessible and user-friendly for staff, developers, and the public.
3. How do County projects such as the Imagine Bremner or Imagine Colchester Growth Management Strategies relate to this project?
The MDP will be changed to include the outcome of these projects. For more information, visit our Growth Management Strategies page.
4. What will the new MDP address?
The new MDP will revise existing policies and create new policies to address emerging issues and best practices. Some of the items the MDP update will address include:
- What is the future of Country Residential?
- How can we conserve natural features as growth and development occur?
- What types of housing do existing and future residents need, and how we can encourage more affordable housing?
- How can we protect and encourage agriculture?
- How can we support nature based and agri-tourism while protecting agricultural and environmental values?
- What does sustainability mean for the County, and how can we encourage high quality urban design?
- How can we improve the layout and design of the document to make it more user-friendly?
5. What do you mean by land use?
Land use is the term for describing the permitted and discretionary uses that may occur on private land; it is sometimes referred to as zoning. Every parcel in the County is assigned a land use that is named in the County’s Land Use Bylaw. There are several general land use categories in the County for both rural and urban service areas:
Urban Service Area:
- Commercial
- Residential
- Industrial
- Public Service (schools, parks, religious worship etc.)
Rural Service Area:
- Airport
- Agriculture
- Commercial
- Residential
- Industrial
- Public Service (schools, parks, religious worship etc.)
6. The land use concept for my land differs from what I am currently using it for – Do I have to change my land use?
No – Current land uses remain in effect until the landowner wishes to change them.
More Information
Janna Widmer
Coordinator, Long Range Planning
Phone: 780-464-8127
Email: MDPUpdate@strathcona.ca