Strathcona County is embarking on a journey to create an Open Space Master Plan. 

The Open Space Master Plan (OSMP) is an important component of Strathcona’s development to ensure we continue to provide a welcoming place to live and the right mix of open spaces, features, amenities to support our communities into the future. 

The Master Plan will provide Open Space criteria for new developments and guide the planning of open spaces, parks and outdoor amenities over the next 15 years. 

Thanks for sharing your vision for open spaces

Thank you to everyone who completed the short survey over the summer and who shared their feedback in this second phase of the project! This information will be used to create the draft Open Space Master Plan, as well as an implementation and funding strategy to guide the future of open spaces in the County.

Throughout the first phase of engagement, we heard that residents’ vision for the future of open spaces in Strathcona County is centred around accessibility, access to nature, and function as welcoming and safe community spaces. County residents have a strong appreciation for local or regional trail systems in the County and enjoy having opportunities for active recreation, such as outdoor sports and youth play. 

Stay tuned for a What We Heard Report to be shared with information collected in the latest phase of engagement throughout fall 2024.

Community organizations

If you represent a community group or sports organization, sign up for our enewsletter to stay informed about opportunities for your group to share feedback.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Open Space Master Plan (OSMP)? 

An Open Space Master Plan is a document that guides how the County will provide open space in the future, as well as maintain and enhance existing open spaces. The plan sets out a shared vision for the County and actionable steps to help us get there. 

The OSMP will be developed using public and stakeholder input, growth projections, and the unique local context of parks, trails and open spaces in the County. 

What will the OSMP achieve? 

The Open Space Master Plan (OSMP) will help to guide the County’s decisions around park planning, development and operations through identifying actions, key projects and planning initiatives. As a strategic document, the OSMP will build upon existing plans and policies, while ensuring public needs and priorities are included. The Plan will provide direction on how the amenities and functions of open space will be prioritized across the County. 

How will residents be able to inform the outcome of this project? 

There are several opportunities for residents and stakeholders to participate in this project. Throughout Fall 2024, interested parties and members of the public can participate in a series of engagement events to identify priorities for investment in County open spaces. Complete the survey, drop a pin on the map or join us at a community open house to join the conversation!

Opportunities to participate in the Open Space Master Plan (OSMP) will be posted on County Voice when available. 

What are “open spaces”? 

Open spaces include all types of green spaces that are owned and maintained by Strathcona County. A defining feature of open spaces is the functions they provide to County residents – recreation, culture, social connection, ecological preservation, and so much more. 

Strathcona County’s system of open spaces is vast, ranging from large parks like Broadmoor Lake Park and Ardrossan Regional Park to spaces flourishing with ecological value like trails and natural areas to undervalued spaces like boulevards and utility corridors – and everything in-between!  

How are open spaces categorized? The primary categories of open spaces are: 

  • Natural Parks 
  • Regional Parks 
  • Community Parks 
  • Neighbourhood Parks 
  • Green Infrastructure (such as stormwater ponds, riparian areas, and wildlife corridors) 
  • Other Open Spaces (such as boulevards and right-of-ways) 

How does this project connect to the Recreation and Culture Strategy? 

In 2019, County Council approved the Recreation and Culture Strategy, which focuses on enhancing welcoming spaces and places for all residents to enjoy. While the Recreation and Culture Strategy includes amenities and facilities found within open spaces, the OSMP will ensure that they are located in the right place. The Plan will provide overarching direction on the acquisition, design, and functionality of these spaces to ensure that they can support the amenities and infrastructure that people need. 

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Last updated: Thursday, November 07, 2024
Page ID: 51592