County Voice is Strathcona County's online platform where all our public engagement activities live.
Our community has been looking for more ways to get involved beyond surveys. County Voice is a place to do just that with forums, stories, maps, guestbooks and more (including surveys!). Every project on County Voice has its own page, so finding information and staying updated is quick and easy. Signing up is easier, too, and you don't need to use your real name to participate. Â
On County Voice, we can hear all community voices, create meaningful connections and shape the future of Strathcona County together.
Whether you live in the County, work here or own a business here, your voice is valued and important.
 Public engagement e-newsletter
Stay up to date on the latest surveys and other public engagement opportunities with Strathcona County by signing up for our public engagement e-newsletter here!
Community group engagement e-newsletter
Do you represent a community organization in Strathcona County? We want to connect with YOU!
By signing up, you will be notified when different County departments have engagement opportunities specifically for stakeholder GROUPS (this is different than regular public engagement opportunities, which you can sign up for above).Â
Collection and use of personal information
Personal information is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to manage and administer Strathcona County’s public engagement newsletter and activities. If you have questions regarding the collection, use or disclosure of this information contact the Senior Advisor, Public Engagement, Communications at 780-464-8092.