Strathcona County engages citizens many time a year in different ways for a variety of reasons. In 2010, County Council approved a Public Engagement Policy (45.2 KB) and Framework to guide the design and implementation of public engagement activities.


Strathcona County citizens of all ages are meaningfully engaged in civic life where their voices strengthen decisions and their involvement helps build community where they live, work, learn, and play.

Guiding principles

These guiding principles are the values and philosophy to inform and guide public engagement planning and activities.

  1.  Involving the public leads to better decisions
  2.  Public engagement processes are equitable
  3.  Public engagement is inclusive 
  4.  The public understands its role in the process 
  5.  The public is informed
  6.  Communication with the public is effective
  7.  Public engagement is proactive 
  8.  Public engagement is transparent and accountable 

The Public Engagement Policy applies to public engagement conducted by County staff and to all consultants and contractors hired to conduct public engagement on behalf of the County.


The continuum of public engagement (135.3 KB) identifies four different degrees of public involvement:

  1. Input
  2. Listen and learn
  3. Collaborate, and
  4. Empower.

The continuum is an important tool for ensuring that the public is aware of how their participation and input will be considered in making the final decision.


A Public Engagement Framework was developed to support this policy. The framework outlines a public engagement planning and implementation process consisting of:

  1.  Needs identification
  2.  Planning (stakeholders identification, process development, degree of involvement, communications, strategies and tools) 
  3.  Implementation
  4.  Follow-up and evaluation 

Public Engagement Framework (400.1 KB)

See also:
Public Engagement Procedure (66.2 KB)
Public Engagement Procedure for surveys (62.3 KB)

More information

Public Engagement
Phone: 780-464-8092

Related topics

Last updated: Monday, June 05, 2023
Page ID: 39221