22142 South Cooking Lake Road
- North of Highway 14 in the Hamlet of South Cooking Lake
- Directions to Fire Station #2 - Google maps
Facts about Station #2
- part-time, first response for fire and emergency medical services
- improves response times to rural emergencies; a crew from a full-time Strathcona County station is dispatched to the emergency scene in the rural area at the same time as a part-time crew, ensuring seamless response
- members are trained as first responders for all types of emergencies
- there are approximately 25 part-time members of Station #2
- Station #2 is also a satellite office for the RCMP, special constables and bylaw officers working in the South Cooking Lake area
- opened in 1980
- the station is closed to the public
Phone numbers
- Emergency Fire, Ambulance, Police, 9-1-1
- RCMP 24 hour complaint line, 780-467-7741
- Bylaw inquiries or complaints, 780-449-0170
- Rural Crime Watch, 780-467-7749
- Emergency Services administration, 780-467-5216