Starting March 10, 2025, if you get pulled over by a Community Peace Officer for a traffic violation, you will need to provide a breath sample.  This is not an accusation: it is about detecting and stopping impaired driving for everyone’s safety.

If you get pulled over

Notwithstanding checkstops, a Peace Officer will not pull you over just to request a breath sample. You will be pulled over for traffic violations such as:

  • Speeding
  • Careless driving
  • Brake lights not working, etc.

If the Peace Officer who stopped you has an approved alcohol screening device the officer must ask you for a breath sample. This is in line with other law enforcement agencies such as the RCMP and Alberta Sheriffs. You should not feel embarrassed: Mandatory Alcohol Screening is a preventive measure, not an accusation.

If you refuse to provide a sample or your blood alcohol concentration is found to be over the accepted limits, the Peace Officer will issue Immediate Roadside Sanctions. 

Immediate Roadside Sanctions

Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) are issued according to occurrence. The penalties include driver license suspension, fines, mandatory training, and vehicle seizures. Find the list of penalties by occurrence on the Government of Alberta website. 

If you are issued IRS by a Peace Officer, you will receive a Notice of Administrative Penalty, which describes the length of time your car will be seized for, the length of time your licence will be suspended for, and the fine amount. If you are issued IRS by an RCMP Officer, you may also receive charges under the Criminal Code of Canada. 

Plan ahead: don't drink and drive

Help keep Strathcona County's roads safe. Don't drink and drive. 

Everyone can do their part to prevent impaired driving. If you drink alcohol, you have options:

  • Arrange for a safe ride home
  • Take a taxi or rideshare service
  • Use a designated driver
  • or stay the night.

To learn more about the risks of drinking and driving, visit


In December 2018, the federal government authorized law enforcement to obtain an immediate roadside breath sample from any driver, without needing suspicion or cause. This clause is called Mandatory Alcohol Screening (MAS). You can read the legislation under Section 320.27(2) of the Criminal Code. 

About the Immediate Roadside Sanctions pilot

As part of a pilot initiative, Strathcona County Enforcement Services Peace Officers will be utilizing Mandatory Alcohol Screening, a tool used by various law enforcement agencies since 2018. With this new authority, Peace Officers will also be able to issue the Immediate Roadside Sanctions that apply under the Traffic Safety Act. 

The CPO Enhanced Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) Pilot will last two years. A mid-point evaluation will take place in March 2026.


RCMP and Enforcement Services

Emergency: 9-1-1
24 hour complaint line: 780-467-7741
Phone: 780-467-7749
Fax: 780-449-1265

Enforcement Services
Phone: 780-449-0170
Fax: 780-449-1265

911 Bison Way Sherwood Park, Alberta T8H 1S9

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Last updated: Friday, February 21, 2025
Page ID: 52307