Even though speed may not be the root cause of a collision, the speed at which a collision occurs is almost always the most important factor in determining whether persons involved are injured or killed.

Officer creating ticket

Speed matters

The speed at which you are travelling usually determines whether or not there is time to avoid a crash. The human body has a limited tolerance to violent forces. If a crash occurs, your chance of injury increases with speed.

In Alberta, about six to seven per cent of collisions each year are attributed to unsafe speed. This number jumps to 27 per cent when looking at fatal collision statistics. (Source: Alberta Transportation, September 2013).

Speed limits

What are the Provincial legislated speeds?

Unless otherwise posted, provincial legislated speeds are:

  • Provincial highways: 100 km/h
  • Municipal highways: 80 km/h
  • Highways in urban areas: 50 km/h

Speeds limits are legislated under the Traffic Safety Act, Section 106 and the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation, Sections 2 and 3.

Sherwood Park Freeway Speed Limits

Should you have any questions, please contact Alberta Transportation, North Central Region, at 780-674-4700. For concerns about existing or missing signs, or road maintenance, please contact Volker Stevin (maintenance contractor) at 780-877-6897.

Photo Radar

In September 2011, Strathcona County Council voted to abolish mobile photo radar enforcement and approved hiring five additional enforcement officers (Strathcona County Community Peace Officers) to not only conduct speed enforcement, but also target other driving behaviours that place motorists at risk. These enforcement officers will serve to complement the existing integrated traffic unit (RCMP & Enforcement Services) and will be visible in the community as of September 1.

Intersection control devices, including red light cameras and speed detection cameras will continue to be used at seven intersections in Sherwood Park, including three on Baseline Road and four on Wye Road.

Motorists should be aware that demerit points will be assessed on their drivers licence for moving traffic violations. Each individual issued an Alberta Driver's Licence (regular Class 5) may receive a maximum of 15 demerit points before their driving privileges are revoked. The demerits are applied to the driver's licence upon conviction of moving traffic violations. Where it relates to speeding, the following applies:

  • 1 - 15 km/h over the posted speed limit - 2 demerit points
  • 16 - 30 km/h over the posted speed limit - 3 demerit points
  • 31 - 50 km/h over the posted speed limit - 4 demerit points
  • Any speed in excess of 51 km/h over the posted limit - 6 demerit points
  • Please note, it is expected to take at least eight months to process issued photo radar tickets through the court system.

Cars driving past a driver feedback sign showing their current speed

Driver feedback signs

Strathcona County uses driver feedback signs (speed display boards) to educate drivers about their travel speed. Analysis of the data showed that on average, 72 per cent of motorists corrected their speed once they see the sign.

Built-in radar is used to determine and display the speed on a lighted board. Only vehicle speeds between a specific minimum and maximum limit are displayed.

Sign locations are determined based on different considerations, including resident complaints, Councillor requests, RCMP requests, historical speed data and the presence of vulnerable road users. The signs are rotated to different locations every few weeks.

View current sign locations

Requests for Driver Feedback signs in your neighbourhood can be made through County Connect.

Further information:

General speed concerns
RCMP and Enforcement Services
Phone: 780-467-7741

Driver feedback sign requests
Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100
Submit a driver feedback sign request

Related topics

Last updated: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Page ID: 44777