News Room

Posted October 30, 2019

Residents asked for thoughts on tourism in Strathcona County

Tourism strategy development launches with public engagement
Strathcona County wants to hear from residents on what tourism could look like in the future. The feedback will inform a strategy that will assess and address the County’s need for enhanced tourism.  

Posted October 28, 2019

Toys for Tags campaign supporting Strathcona Christmas Bureau

This Christmas season, Strathcona County is offering the public the option to donate toys or gift cards to the Strathcona Christmas Bureau in lieu of paying for parking violations.

Posted October 25, 2019

Strathcona County offering property audits for local businesses to help reduce crime.

As part of their ongoing efforts to provide a safe, and most livable community, Strathcona County Enforcement Services has launched the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) service for local businesses.


Posted October 23, 2019

Strathcona County getting ready to launch new online recreation system

Move over Click-it, Strathcona County is introducing its new recreation software system: Recreation Online, in January 2020. This new system will replace Click-it, which has been the online registration system since 2005.

Posted October 23, 2019

Report outlines key areas to enable youth and young adults to thrive in Strathcona County

The Youth Needs and Assets Assessment final report, presented to Priorities Committee on October 22, 2019, provided six key areas for the County to consider as it works towards creating conditions within our community that support the best possible outcomes for youth and young adults in Strathcona County. 

Posted October 22, 2019

Strathcona County exploring the possibility of an indoor multi-sport field

In keeping with the County’s Recreation and Culture Strategy’s overarching commitment to plan for the long-term recreation needs of nearly 100,000 residents, as part of budget 2019, Council directed administration to investigate the need for a multi-sport dome in Strathcona County.

Posted October 16, 2019

Residents invited to Centre in the Park Area Redevelopment Plan open house

Residents are invited to provide input on the most recent draft to the Centre in the Park Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP).


Posted October 9, 2019

Council approves new Recreation and Culture Strategy

Strathcona County Council has approved a new Recreation and Culture Strategy that will serve as the guiding document for the community’s provision of recreation and culture over the next 12 years.

Posted October 2, 2019

Residents invited to share thoughts about a municipal community cemetery

Strathcona County is inviting residents to share thoughts on how they would like to be remembered after death and preferred options for burial/resting places.

Posted September 17, 2019

Statement from Strathcona County Mayor Rod Frank

“This afternoon, RCMP released lab results confirming traces of nitrate salts and aluminum powder were found at the scene of the November 6, 2018 Community Centre parkade explosion. RCMP believe Tannerite was the explosive used.