Welcome to Strathcona County's summer camps! Our recreation and culture summer camp programs are available as half-day and full-day camps and feature both indoor and outdoor opportunities.

Summer camp wording displayed on top of a sun graphic with a blue sky background

Summer camp programs

Our summer camps include programs for child and youth, performing arts, visual arts and outdoor pursuits at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre.

Browse the summer camps guide (2.6 MB) for details and register in RecOnline.

Summer swimming lessons will be available in the summer guide, available for viewing on June 3 and registration on June 17.

Summer camp guidelines

Young child camps

  • For your child's best experience we suggest they are fully toilet trained. Parents will be contacted by telephone to attend to any changing needs.

Strathcona Wilderness Centre camps

  • Busing is included for all full-day camps at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre. The bus departs at 8:30 a.m. from the Sherwood Park Arena, and returns at 4:30 p.m.

All camps

  • All classes begin and end promptly at the times indicated for each program.
  • Programs operate regardless of weather. Instructors will inform parents of outdoor activities. Please dress your child accordingly for outdoor activities.
  • Parents/guardians are required to sign children in and out each day.
  • Half day camps: send a nut-free light snack and a water bottle for your child. 
  • Full day camps: pack nut-free snacks and a lunch and a water bottle for your child.
    • All lunch hours are supervised.
  • Bring clean rubber-soled and close-toed shoes for indoor sessions. 
    • For health and safety reasons, bare feet, flip flops and sandals are not permitted. 
  • We request that your child wear weather permitting and protective clothing and that sunscreen and/or insect repellent be applied to your child prior to class.
  • Clearly label all of your child's belongings.
  • All electronic games and devices should be left at home.
  • Parents will need to complete all applicable forms.

Children with medication or special needs

If your child has a special medical need, advance notice allows instructors to plan appropriately to offer inclusive and accessible programs. Please call our administration office at 780-467-2211 and they will contact the program supervisor to work with you for your child's best experience.

Pre- and post-care

Full day summer camps offer pre- and post-care for 30 minutes. Pre- and post-care is not available for half-day camps.

Camp forms

Parents/guardians must complete:

Please bring the completed form with you on the first day of camp. If you plan to fill out the forms in person, please arrive early to do so.

Children with medication, allergies or EpiPen

Please indicate any medication your child requires and list any allergies in the space provided on the  participant form (367.0 KB) . 

Parents and guardians with children who carry an EpiPen are required to complete an  EpiPen consent form (348.2 KB) .

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Last updated: Friday, March 14, 2025
Page ID: 51205