Strathcona County is reconstructing the Prairie Walk pathway that connects Festival Place to the Community Centre. The design of this popular and well-used pathway will be updated to create a smoother, safer and more accessible walking surface.
Construction timelines and impacts
Work will be completed during the summer of 2023, pending a successful tender process.
- Construction is estimated to start in late spring and will take approximately 12 weeks to complete.
- Prairie Walk will be closed during construction so alternate routes will need to be used.
- The front entrance access to buildings in the area will not be impacted during construction. Construction will limit the secondary access next to Prairie Walk.
Design concept for Prairie Walk reconstruction
About Prairie Walk
The Prairie Walk pathway is located in Centre in the park area. It runs east/west from Festival Place and Broadmoor Lake Park to the Community Centre Plaza next to Festival Lane. Prairie Walk is currently in poor condition with several cracked, broken and uneven paving stones that result in an uneven walking surface.
Further information:
Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100