To improve traffic flow and address safety concerns, a mini-roundabout is being constructed at the intersection of Foxboro Run and Foxtail Court/Link.

Construction is expected to occur this summer and will take about one week to complete. 

Image showing the street sigs of Foxboro Run, Foxtail Link and Foxtail Court

About the project

A mini-roundabout is being installed to address driver confusion, near misses and motorists failing to obey northbound and southbound yield signs. These issues were reported by residents through County Connect and confirmed through County monitoring of the location.

According to the 2021 turning movement counts, traffic volume is equal in all directions, which requires all-way traffic control. A mini-roundabout was determined as a better option than a four-way stop to improve safety while still supporting traffic flow. Stop signs create delays and traffic noise when vehicles stop and proceed.

See project map (216.3 KB)

New traffic feature in the community

A roundabout design of this size, and at this type of residential location, is new to Strathcona County. However, it is a common and effective intersection control in many similar locations throughout North America.

Foxboro and area traffic review

This roundabout project is not part of the improvements that will be made in the neighbourhood in 2025 as a result of the Foxboro and area traffic review. This intersection was not included in that review because there is no direct traffic impact related to the new school.

Further information:

Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100

Last updated: Thursday, June 06, 2024
Page ID: 51571