Barricades set up on the road to control traffic

If you’re working, shipping goods or hosting an event on a Strathcona County roadway, ensure you have acquired the proper permits. 

Block parties 

Planning a neighbourhood block party where you will block the roadway? You'll need a permit for that.

Commercial trucking permits 

Will your truck load exceed the posted axle weight? Does your load exceed allowable dimensions? Make sure you are prepared and have the right commercial trucking permits.

Noise permit 

After-hours parking lot sweeping, road construction, snow removal or miscellaneous events all require a noise permit. Submit an application for a noise permit. 

Special roadway event permit 

If you’re planning an event that will impact a County road (parade, race, etc.), please  submit an application for a special roadway event permit. 

Temporary roadway encroachment permit

A permit is required for food trucks and when equipment, bins, trucks or materials are temporarily left on roads or sidewalks.  

Right-of-Way Construction Activity Permit

Road sign advising of construction ahead

Any work on a County-owned road requires  a Right-of-way Construction Activity Permit (ROWCAP). 

Further information:

Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100

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Last updated: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Page ID: 37463