34 Street connects residential communities in southeast Edmonton to the industrial areas in Strathcona County and the City of Edmonton. With the potential for new industrial and commercial developments along this corridor, it is anticipated that traffic volumes will increase. A Functional Planning Study was completed to develop future concept plans for 34 Street from Baseline Road to Whitemud Drive in the City of Edmonton (6.5 kilometre corridor) and upgrade the existing two-lane undivided roadway to an ultimate multi-lane road.
Within the project area, 34 Street is classified as an arterial roadway according to the Strathcona County Transportation Systems Bylaw. As an active arterial road, 34 Street is a goods movement corridor, accommodating traffic from local and collector roads as well as distributing traffic to higher level facilities such as highways and freeways. In addition, 34 Street is a designated 24-hour truck route throughout the entire project length as well as a dangerous goods route specifically north within Strathcona County of Sherwood Park Freeway. Traffic on 34 Street is comprised of rough 82% passenger vehicles, 16% truck traffic and 2% other vehicles.
In 2013, Strathcona County along with the City of Edmonton engaged McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. to conduct the Functional Planning Study.
The Functional Planning Study for 34 Street was approved by Council on Feb 10, 2015.
Map of construction area (795.3 KB)
Project timeline
This project is currently in the planning phase
Additional background:
- 34 Street Final Report (39.5 MB)
- Appendix A - Concept Plans (16.0 MB)
- Appendix B- IOP (16.3 MB)
- Appendix C - Existing Utilities (7.3 MB)
- Appendix D - Traffic (2.2 MB)
- Appendix E - Truck Turning (6.8 MB)
- Appendix F - Environmental (21.6 MB)
- Appendix G - HRO (2.5 MB)
- Appendix H - Safety Audit (8.0 MB)
- Appendix I - Cost Estimate (512.0 KB)
- Appendix J - Stakeholder Involvement (779.3 KB)
More information:
Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100
Email: transportation@strathcona.ca