Strathcona County, at the request of Alberta Transportation, conducted a Functional Planning Study to determine future needs of Highway 15 for the section between Range Road 220 and Highway 830 North. Highway 15 runs through a significant portion of the Alberta’s Industrial Heartland and as new development occurs in the area, there will be an impact on traffic.
The County engaged CIMA+ to conduct the Functional Planning Study. The Study included the medium and long–term upgrade needs of the highway and what effects these needs may have on the surrounding landowners and community.
Project Map - Highway 15 Functional Planning Study
Project timeline
This project is currently in the planning phase.

Additional background
Powerpoint Presentation (1.4Â MB)
Letter to residents 2nd Open House - June 12, 2012
Letter to residents 3rd Open House - September 26, 2012
Newspaper advertising the 3rd Open House
Highway 15Â Functional Planning Study final report
Highway 15 Functional Planning Study Final Report (1.3Â MB)
Appendix A - Traffic (120.9Â KB)
Appendix B - Integrated Regional Transportation Master Plan (1.1Â MB)
Appendix C - Functional Plans (23.1Â MB)
Appendix D - Interchange Plans (1.6Â MB)
Appendix E - Right of Way plans (41.9Â MB)
Appendix F - Conceptual Cost Estimate (131.1Â KB)
Appendix G - Bridge Assessment (3.1Â MB)
Appendix H - Geotechnical Assessment (7.4Â MB)
Appendix I - Environmental Assessment (2.9Â MB)
Appendix J - Historical Resources Overview (883.3Â KB)
Appendix K - Stormwater (2.2Â MB)
Appendix L - Utilities (104.4Â KB)
Further information:
Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100