Plans are underway to redesign the traffic circle at Sherwood Drive and Broadmoor Boulevard into a modern roundabout according to current best practices. 

Work on the design will be finalized later this year, with construction tentatively planned for 2025. More information about the new design will be shared with the public in fall 2024. 

Aerial image of the Sherwood Drive/Broadmoor Boulevard Traffic Circle

The traffic circle was originally built in the 1970s and has an outdated design that has led to some driver confusion. While modifications made in 2016 have helped decrease collisions, it remains a high collision location in Sherwood Park. 

To improve traffic flow and safety at this key intersection, administration and Council determined that the traffic circle would be replaced with a modern roundabout once the pavement infrastructure needed rehabilitation.

We have now reached that point, with a design contract awarded for 2024 and construction planned for 2025. 

Interim changes made in 2016

An operational assessment (14.3 MB) of the traffic circle was completed in 2014. At the time, it was determined that interim changes were the most fiscally responsible and prudent decision to improve safety until the road infrastructure required rehabilitation or reconstruction.

Based on the operational assessment, public input and engineering best practices, modifications were made in 2016. This included signage, lane section closure and line markings.

Graphic showing what the traffic circle liked before and after temporary measures were installed

Before and after lane closures

These changes helped reduce collisions by up to 48 per cent—however, the traffic circle remains a high collision location in Sherwood Park. 

Traffic circle vs roundabout design

A main issue with the current traffic circle design is that drivers perceive the north and south entry approaches as straight-through roadways with priority rather than a yield into the traffic circle. The large circle also enables higher speeds through the intersection.

Modern roundabout design standards include a smaller circle and entry deflections to reduce speeds and improve sightlines and overall safety.

Image of a traffic circle

Traffic circle – Older design terminology used for larger circles to maintain higher speeds through the intersection.

Image of a modern roundabout

Modern roundabout – Modern design standard with a smaller circle and entry deflections to reduce speed–and improve sightlines and overall safety.

Next steps

The County is currently working with an engineering firm to complete a final design for the new roundabout. Once completed, the final design will be shared for public information in fall 2024.

Project history

  • June 2024 – Strathcona County presented an overview of the traffic circle reconstruction project to Council at Priorities Committee Meeting.
  • December 2023 – Budget approval for construction in 2025.
  • November 2023 – Contract awarded to McElhanney for new roundabout design.
  • December 2022 – Budget approval for design contract in 2023.
  • October 2019 — Strathcona County presented findings and recommendations related to the traffic circle (1.9 MB)  to Council at Priorities Committee Meeting.
  • Summer/Fall 2016 – Interim changes made to address safety concerns based on operational assessment, engineering best practices and resident input.
  • March 2015 – Resident survey (289.8 KB)  with more than 2,200 responses, which gathered support for traffic circle and input on perceived issues with operations.
  • 2014 – Operational Assessment (14.3 MB)  conducted for traffic circle.

Common questions

Further information:

Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100

Last updated: Tuesday, June 04, 2024
Page ID: 47715