Garden cleaning wearing flowery rubber boots.

Wondering what to do with your brush and yard waste? You've got several options!

Drop it off

Broadview Enviroservice Station

Beginning April 2023, Broadview Enviroservice station will be implementing fees for residential users dropping off large loads of brush and yard waste. The new brush and yard waste fees are:

  •     FREE - Passenger vehicle or Trailer 8' (2.4 m) and under
  •     $20 - Trailer over 8' (2.4 m) but under 12' (3.6 m)
  •     $50 - Trailer 12' (3.6 m) and over
  •     $150 - Monthly Pass

Town of Bruderheim

The town of Bruderheim offers a community compost pile, located north of the campground. Access through the campground entrance off of 52 Ave. 

  • Grass clippings, leaves and branches ONLY please. No weeds, food scraps or garbage.
  • Please note: There are separate piles for the grass/leaves and the branches.
  • Branches should be 1 inch in diameter or less - anything larger should be taken to the landfill.

Acceptable Broadview items:

Brush waste

  • branches under 15 cm/6" in diameter,
    maximum 6' length
  • brush
  • bushes

Yard waste

  • grass clippings
  • leaves
  • plants and garden trimmings

Unacceptable Broadview items:

Brush and branches at Broadview are put through a wood chipper. Some items are too large to be put through the chipper and must be taken to the landfill. If unacceptable items are hidden in the brush, staff may not see them when putting it through the chipper. This could cause physical harm or equipment breakdown. 

Unaccepted items include:

  • diseased wood
  • stumps and logs
  • sod
  • roots
  • fencing
  • lumber
  • rocks
  • landscape ties
  • brick
  • gravel
  • dirt/soil
  • noxious weeds as identified under Alberta's Weed Control Act
    • please place in your black waste cart
  • any non-plant materials

Leave it on your lawn

Grasscycling is a great alternative to raking and collecting grass and leaves. Grasscycling is a natural process that is easy, saves time and money! Simply leave the clippings on your lawn as you mow. They quickly decompose, usually within three days, and act as a natural fertilizer to the soil.

Set it out

You can put your grass clippings, plant waste and leaves in your green organics cart. Organics are collected weekly from mid-May to mid-October for residents of Sherwood Park and the rural hamlets who subscribe to collection services from Strathcona County. Place items in loose or in a compostable bag. Plastic bags are not permitted in the green organics cart. If you are putting organics in loose, make sure to layer your cart. Place a layer of crumpled up newspaper, cardboard or other dry organic material and then every 30 cm (12") alternate with wet organics. Avoid packing the organics down as they may become stuck.

Branches under three centimetres (one inch) may be placed in your green organics cart. Cut branches down so they fit inside the cart with the lid closed. 

Extra yard waste collection events are held four times a year to accommodate the extra volume from spring and fall clean up. 

Diseased tree disposal

Trees that have become infected with a disease, such as black knot or bronze leaf, must be disposed of properly. It is important to take action quickly to reduce the chance of the disease from spreading. Place all diseased wood into a garbage bag and then place into your black waste cart or bring to the Clover Bar Landfill. 

Diseased wood is NOT permitted in your green organics cart and is not collected at Broadview Enviroservice Station. The diseased wood can contaminate the composting process.

Burning brush

If you live in the rural area and want to burn your brush, you need a fire permit. Large burn piles (over 3 metres x 3 metres x 2 metres) require an inspection.

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Last updated: Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Page ID: 47903