See the details that go into your property's assessment value. Check your assessment value and compare properties with our Property Assessment Mapping Tool.

Tip sheet: how to use the mapping tool. (245.1 KB)

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Property Inspections

It is recommended that property characteristic data should be continually updated in response to changes brought by new construction, renovation, property maintenance or demolition and that every property be re-inspected once every four to six years. Strathcona County property assessors complete on-site property inspections on a continual basis.

Assessors may knock on your door for several reasons.

  • To assess new construction or demolition, newly renovated homes or building permit changes
  • To re-inspect property that has sold
  • To complete re-inspection of a neighbourhood or property type

If residents are not home, the assessor may leave a callback card to set up a mutually agreed upon time for inspection. Re-inspections can be supplemented by self-reporting, aerial imagery and sale listings.

The Municipal Government Act, Regulations and appraisal and assessment literature outline required data elements and the importance of accurate information.

Residential request for information

The residential request for information is a survey sent to property owners to supplement our annual re-inspection campaign. The campaign is done on a continual basis rotating through different sections of Strathcona County each year, typically taking about 5 years to cycle through the whole County. Not all properties have undergone a change in the 5 year span, but the RFI is sent to all owners to maintain accurate property data. Information included in the assessment. The maintenance of accurate property data is critical in producing fair and equitable assessment values. 

The survey provides an efficient way for owners to provide property information. There are three options to complete the survey:

  1. Online at using your roll number and the survey key number provided on the request for information 
  2. Complete the hard copy and return it in the prepaid envelope
  3. Call Assessment and Tax at 780-464-8196 and give the information to an assessor

Market value

Not every sale reflects market value, which is the expected price a property would sell for in a competitive market. We look at the following when deciding if a sale reflects market value:

  • Were the seller and buyer related?
  • Was the seller under pressure to sell the property quickly?
  • Were there special financing arrangements that may have affected the sale price?
  • Was the property exposed to the open market?

Sales that do not meet the market value standard are not shown in the Comparable Sales Report.

Comparable sales report

The Comparable Sales Report generated on the Assessment Mapping Tool shows you what properties similar to yours have sold for over the past two years. The following characteristics are used to find comparable sales:

  • year built
  • neighbourhood
  • house structure (e.g.: bungalow or two-storey)
  • living area

The report shows only the 10 most recent sales that meet the market value standard. Sales are updated by February 28 each year.

Please note that property assessments are based on more detail than what is shown in the Comparable Sales Report, so your assessed value may not match the sale values shown.

Strathcona County assessments take into consideration many factors The sample of sold properties are not necessarily the same that Strathcona County would use as comparables for valuation or in an assessment appeal.

Reviewing or changing assessment information

If there is incorrect information showing for your property, or if you do not agree with your property assessment, make an assessment inquiry through County Connect.

If, after talking to an assessor, you still feel your assessment is incorrect, you can file a complaint.

Phone: 780-464-8196

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Last updated: Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Page ID: 37377