Image of a fire hydrant with water flowing out onto the ground.

Fire hydrants are a source of water and an important part of Strathcona County's fire prevention system.

Fire hydrant maintenance

Inspection/maintenance of fire hydrants
Strathcona County inspects all fire hydrants during the spring and fall to ensure it meets Alberta Safety Fire Code. The code states that the hydrants shall be maintained in a operating condition, readily accessible, clearly identified and flowed on an annual basis.

Mainline valve inspections and maintenance
Every summer Strathcona County employees operate and inspect over 4,500 valves. Mainline valves are used in case of an emergency water supply shut down.

Private Hydrants
Private hydrants are located on private property and are coloured red and black for identification. Private hydrants are the sole responsibility of the property owner. Strathcona County Utilities inspects all private hydrants on commercial and residential properties to ensure it meets Alberta Fire Code. The inspection and maintenance of private hydrants are billed directly to the property owner through their monthly Utility bill.

Some valves are located in sidewalks or walking areas and can cause a tripping hazard. Please call 780-467-7785 if you see a valve is in this condition.

Clearing snow around fire hydrants

If there is a hydrant near your home, please clear snow or ice at least 60 cm (2 ft) from around the hydrant. That way, in an emergency, Emergency Services' crews can find and access the hydrant with the greatest possible speed. Those few extra seconds or minutes could make a world of difference in an emergency.

Landscaping around fire hydrants

Fire hydrants require at least a 3.5 metre setback from the centre of a tree trunk to a fire hydrant. Please refer to the Design and Construction Standards, Section 6 (Open Space Standards) under section for more information. 

Hydrant meter use

Customers requesting a hydrant meter within Strathcona County must complete a permit application at least five working days in advance of the expected pick-up date. Permits are required for each hydrant meter requested.

The hydrant information package should be read by the contractor before making application. The application form is on the last page of the information package. Utilities will accept credit card payments for the deposit over the phone.

Hydrant Meter Request Form (1.2 MB)

Hydrant meters are available to rent between May 1 and October 1.

Phone: 780-467-7785

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Last updated: Monday, June 03, 2024
Page ID: 39485