The Land Use Bylaw specifies the uses and activities permitted on a property within Strathcona County. To amend the text of the land use bylaw or rezone a property to a different zoning district a Land Use Bylaw Amendment application is required.  

Part 2, subsection 2.2 of the Land Use Bylaw provides detailed information that outlines the pre-application process, circulation and notification, public hearing process, and application submission process. Administration will review applications to ensure that a proposed amendment complies with any relevant statutory plans, regulations, and applicable policies and standards. The County recommends meeting with a Planner to discuss your proposal before submitting an application. 

Land Use Bylaw 6-2015, Part 2:
Part 2: Operations and Administrative Procedures

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Application:
Land Use Bylaw Amendment application form (789.2 KB)

Fee Schedule:
Development fee schedules

More information:

Related topics

Last updated: Friday, February 02, 2024
Page ID: 39175