News Room

Posted May 12, 2021

Affordable housing options for Strathcona County

Access to affordable housing, defined as spending less than 30 per cent of household income on housing, has a positive impact on family stability, community cohesion and health outcomes. 

Posted May 10, 2021

Salon Series virtual exhibit showcases local artists

Local artistic talent is being showcased through the Strathcona Salon Series virtual exhibit hosted by Gallery@501 from May 13 to June 19. The exhibit includes artwork from both adults and high school students. All artwork submitted to the series is being considered for acquisition by the Strathcona County’s Art Collection.

Posted May 6, 2021

Strathcona County brings Arbor Day celebration to students in Grades 1 and 2

This week, Grade 1 and 2 students from 23 Strathcona County schools celebrated Arbor Day by participating in virtual educational activities and receiving a seedling of their very own. 

Posted May 6, 2021

Volunteers needed for water testing

Strathcona County is asking for volunteers to have a water sample collected from their homes for lead testing. Testing water for lead ‘at the tap’ is a new municipal requirement and supports Health Canada’s lead reduction strategy.

Posted May 5, 2021

For Road Safety Week, let’s focus on distracted driving

Posted May 4, 2021

No municipal property tax increase this year

Posted April 29, 2021

Additional Alberta restrictions impact Strathcona County

Posted April 28, 2021

Broadband, business retention and mental health programs main focus for Council COVID-19 Task Force report

Posted April 24, 2021

Strathcona County Emergency Services respond to fire at Sherwood Centre Strip Mall

Posted April 23, 2021

Strathcona County asks residents to “Pitch-in” this spring to help their neighbourhood shine